These two crisp Uncirculated notes from 1986 are a great opportunity for collectors. Both are from a colorful series of Canada bank notes that feature North American birds on the back. The $5 note depicts the belted kingfisher in its habitat. The $2 note features a pair of robins known to mate for life.
Of special interest to collectors of British monarchy currency, is the front of the $2 note. It features a portrait of the late Queen Elizabeth II who turned 60 in 1986. A small engraved vignette of the Parliament buildings is to her right. The front of the $5 note shows Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Canada’s seventh prime minister from 1896 to 1911. The flag on the tower to his right is the Red Ensign, which would have flown at that time as the national flag of Canada. Buy both wildlife notes and SAVE!