A.D. 251-253 Volusian Silver Antoninianus


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Here's a hard-to-find silver coin of Volusian, a Roman emperor who's missing from many ancient coin collections. When the Goths ambushed the current emperor during the Danube wars in A.D. 251, Volusian's father became ruler and he was named Caesar. The pair quickly concluded a deal with the Goths and returned to Rome. There the plague raged, claiming scores of victims, including the co-emperor, and Volusian was quickly elevated to replace him. Asthe father-son team focused their efforts on plague stricken Rome, Persian king Shapur I launched an attack against the eastern provinces, and in the northern frontier, the Goths began invading Roman territory.

When Roman governor Aemilianus defeated the Goths, his troops proclaimed him emperor. The emperor and Volusian hurriedly gathered loyal troops and marched north to put the rebellion down. But about 50 miles from the city, their soldiers assassinated them. Because of the short reign of Volusian asco-emperor, his coins are scarce and desirable. Attractive silver pieces in the Very Fine Plus condition offered here are rarely available, so don't wait to order yours.