A.D. 177-192 Commodus Bronze Sestertius


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The blockbuster Gladiator gave us a look into the life of corrupt Emperor Commodus. And, now for the first time in years, we can offer you a genuine bronze Sestertius of that ruthless leader, struck over 1,800 years ago.

Many Romans hoped that Commodus would be an adept ruler like his father, Marcus Aurelius. Yet, after assuming full control in A.D. 180, Commodus placed his favorites in power. In his growing insanity, he began dressing as Hercules and joined in gladiatorial fights. Even his sister and wife plotted to assassinate him, but were caught, banished and executed! Eventually, he was strangled in A.D. 192. Struck by hand, this large bronze coin features Commodus' portrait and has varying reverses. It's about the size of a half dollar, but centuries older, so if you like ancients, this Sestertius is sure to become the showpiece of your collection.