A.D. 1557-1578 King Sebastian Dinheiro


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Own a well-preserved coin minted more than four centuries ago during the 1557-1578 reign of Sebastian, the King of Portugal who led the lastChristian crusade. This tin Dinheiro was struck in the Portuguese colony of Malacca, the main trading port of the Southeast Asian spice islands, when Portugal controlled the lucrative spice trade. The obverse features 3 arrows bound with a bow while the reverse bears an armillary sphere.
Raised by Jesuits and extremely devout, King Sebastian believed he was destined to lead a Christian crusade against Muslims in Africa. And in 1578, he led 17,000 Portuguese soldiers into Morocco where he confronted a vastly larger Muslim force. His crusading dream came to an end in a single day when his army suffered a monumental defeat, and Sebastian was last seen leading a charge into enemy lines. Add this historic coin from the last crusader king to your collection!