1971-1978 Eisenhower Dollar Set with Album


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Last large-size U.S. dollars, 40% silver collector coins and a set within a set… these are a few reasons Eisenhower dollars are so popular. In 1971, the U.S. Mint issued its first dollar coin in over 40 years – the Eisenhower dollar. This event honored an extraordinary American, as well as a historic accomplishment....

The obverse of the new $1 coin pictured Dwight D. Eisenhower, the third son of a poor Kansas family. He led the Allies to victory in WWII and brought peace and prosperity to America as the nation's 34th president. But equally significant was the reverse of the new coin. It carried a design based on the official emblem of the 1969 Apollo 11 space mission, honoring the landing of the manned spacecraft Eagle on the moon's surface. Though issued only for eight years, from 1971 to 1978, this historic "Ike" dollar series offers 32 different coins – all here – in this complete collection!

  • Last struck over 40 years ago, this important collection brings you 21 mint Uncirculated issues. Included in the group are 5 special 40% silver dollars, minted just for collectors. The San Francisco Mint struck both 40% silver Uncirculated coins and Choice Proofs for only five years – until 1976. And this magnificent set holds five 40% silver Proofs as well!
  • Includes all 11 Choice Proof coins (both the 40% silver and the copper-nickel issues). Made by a special process in limited quantities, collector Proofs offer sharp detail accented by beautiful mirrorlike surfaces. Low-mintage Proof "Ike" dollars are in great demand among collectors.
  • As the nation's 200th birthday approached, the U.S. Mint marked the milestone by creating special designs for our coins. For the "Ike" dollar, the obverse received a dual "1776-1976" Bicentennial date while the reverse was accented by the Liberty Bell superimposed on the moon. This carried on the Apollo 11 theme. Within the big 32-coin collection are 8 prized Bicentennial dollars.
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