1901 $10 Legal Tender Note


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Known as the "Bison Note" or the "Buffalo Bill", this large-size Legal Tender Note measures 7 3/8" x 3 1/8" and is famous for its illustrations. On the face of the century-old $10 note is Pablo – an American bison that lived in the National Zoo. The face also bears portraits of legendary American explorers Lewis and Clark, as well as red serial numbers and a red Treasury Seal. The note's back depicts a female figure symbolizing Columbia standing between two pillars.

This scarce and highly prized 1901 $10 Legal Tender Note ranks #6 in the reference book , and only 3,000-4,500 examples are estimated to exist in any condition. You'll add great numismatic prestige to your collection with the famous "Buffalo Bill", but our supply is very limited. Reserve yours now!