This unique, distinctive “bookmark” currency hails from the era of the mighty Tokugawa shoguns, who sealed Japan off from the outside world and ruled Japanese society from the 16th century until 1867. During this time, a coin shortage prompted local clans, merchants and banks to issue paper currency in a variety of colors and sizes. Called Hansatsu (or bookmark notes), this long, narrow money is highly distinctive.
Printed by woodblock on high-quality paper, Hansatsu was crafted by local artisans, many of whom signed an oath of secrecy in blood. Valued at 1 Momme Nanto of silver (3.75 grams), each traditional note offered here reflects a lost art form and shows figures in true Japanese style. Each one shows a samurai on the front, with a Japanese crane on the back. They also show validation stamps in vermillion ink. Notes like these were last issued more than 150 years ago – order now to add beauty and history to your collection.