A.D. 316-326 Crispus Bronze-Silvered Follis


Select a Grade: Near Mint State

Customer Reviews

Don’t miss this opportunity to own a seldom-seen, museum-quality bronze-silvered Follis featuring Crispus – Constantine the Great’s son with his first wife, Minervina. Crispus was destined to become heir... unfortunately his stepmother Fausta, fearing competition for her own sons, accused him of treason. Her ruthless actions led Constantine to condemn and execute his eldest son. When Fausta’s plan was discovered the heartbroken emperor had his wife executed, and a golden statue erected in honor of the son he had falsely condemned.

It’s taken our buying team a few years to gather this small group of beautifully preserved pieces! Hand struck over 1,690 years ago from A.D. 316-326, they’re still in detailed Near Mint State condition with original silvering still intact. Each bronze coin was first coated with a thick silver wash and then struck with the designs. Coins like these circulated in daily commerce, and today many are missing their entire silver layer. But this is your chance to enjoy an example in nearly the same condition as when it was minted! We have just 14 pieces available, so order right away.